Two British teens who ought to still be tucked right under their parent's Aprons, pulled a very crazy one just before Valentine's day, when 15-year -old Chantelle Stedman delivered a baby girl weighing 7lb 30z christened Maisie Roxanne.It was most shocking when a baby faced 13 year-old Alfie Patten, who had barely come out of nappies admitted to being the father.
Chantelle smartly summed up the whole drama in these words:'We know we made a mistake but I wouldn't change it now.We will be good,loving parents.I'll be a great mum and Alfie will be a great dad' Did I hear you chuckle?
I want to look at this from a more sober perspective,far from the raging controversy the incident generated:A couple gets legally married.Two..three..four...five...six.. years into marriage,no issue(s).There is tension in the home.Fervent prayers,fastings and night vigils embarked upon seems unanswered.At the begining of every ovulatory period,hopes are raised only to be dashed with menstral flows.Ageing encroaches very fast.But, here you have two teenegers who barely knew the implications of that one act of unprotected sexual bliss, becoming the proud owners of a baby.Same baby that so many married couples have done everything humanely possible to have.You just never know with the ways of God.
The one lesson I think we should re-learn from this British kiddie's drama is that 'anything is possible'.Keep the faith...
i read about this!na wa o!!
thanks for d comment u left on mine...i feel appreciated :-)
The world is very unpredictable, I have thought about this scenario a million times.The truth is that the same situation occurs in the United States and more popular in the Northern part of Nigeria. Still a big mystery to me to understand that those who want kids would have to pray like a cray addict, and the silly chics would go about having and aborting babies like nothing. Have a fun Sunday.
@naija pikin
Are you serious about the Ankara ties, Wow!!! Do you have a picture for us to see, I could add it to the list, seriously I never thought one could make a tie with Ankara...
u forgot to mention the fact that there are 2 other boys, one 14 and one 15 who are also claiming papa of Bomboy and as many as 8 boys in her school are said to have slept with her...
i still can't wrap my head around this story, so I will not.
I no fit.
@Solomonsydelle..story is real but sad to reckon with..
@naija pinkin..thanks for wishing my father a happy birthday o, he didn't tell us how old he's turning.lol I hope we all have a great week. later
Wonders will never seize!!! if i was the one, i would have got the spanking of my life. 13 hmmmmmmmmmm na wa!
Its a very young age to give birth at 15... the girl should be lucky to give birth successfuly else she could have died.
whoa!!!, you had a passion in blogging, thumbs up for your work of love.. Hehe very inspiring ideas,
anyway I'm william
mind if I put a link back to you?
(clickable) ------> wool overcoat
The lesson that I've got here is that these two kids are still too young to raise their baby. They are babies who begot another babies. Whew! Can't help myself to chuckle and at the same time be disappointed with many teens who are excited to be grown ups even though its not the right time.
Cathy@eye chart
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