According to reports,Olalekan who was very close to the victim's family had visited when the father of the girl was not around.The girl's mother who works in a local hospital,had trusted the man so much that she left her two children in his care until her husband returns from work,while she left for her work at the hospital where she was on night duty.
As soon as Olalekan realised that the coast was clear to perpetrate his diabolical act,he sent Elizabeth's younger sister on an errand. With the little girl now at his mercy,he went ahead to rape her,not through the vigina but through the anus and warned her sternly not to tell anyone unless she was ready to die.
Scared stiff of dying,the little girl didn't tell anyone what transpired until when she started having pains and bleeding from her anus.
As is always the case,the accused is blaming the Devil for the act.He has been remanded in custody while hearing has been adjourned to 30th March 2009.
It is most likely that the accused will be sentenced to life imprisonment which is the punishment for child rape in Nigeria.I feel this is just not enough.Why not start by 'manually' castrating and severing his Devil's instrument of havoc before the court sentence him to Hell!
This is just one of those occasions where what we need is jungle justice,,,,just put a tire on his neck...
i back up afro' KAI!!!! she was only 9
I feel sick even commenting. This is just evil!!!!!
It's crazy. Devil's work ke. that's what they do: beg their way out of everything.
Why? Why? Why?
OMG......this is really serious. I just died in tears....damn him, how could he do something like this to a little girl. na wa ooooooo...sheesh, I just dont know what is happening to this world.
My prayers are with the girls family
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