Easter Sunday was cool.Had great fun. I spent the better part of it visiting as many Naija blogsites as I could get to.The experience of this cyberic adventure was enriching.Pride simply overwhelmed me,as I savoured the effect of the Nigerian spirit in the various blog postings.If you want to have a good feel of your Nigerianness,do the Niaja blogging thing.Nigerian,be them at home or in the diaspora are deeply passionate about their country.Everone is wishing that things really gets moving. Just immagine if all the trillions upon trillions of Nairas fritted away,through corruption, since independence were judiciously utilized on infrastructural development,Education,Security,Health,Science and Technology and citizen's welfare? We sure would be in leagues with those countries in the West,Asia and the East where quality of life has value...
To all Nigerians on Blogsphere:Thank you for keeping the faith!May you have a very fulfilling week.
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